Friday, December 27, 2019
Ostrich Egg Shells
The broken pieces of ostrich egg shells (often abbreviated OES in the literature) are commonly found on Middle and Upper Paleolithic sites throughout the world: at the time ostriches were much more widespread than they are today, and indeed were one of several megafaunal species which experienced mass extinctions at the end of the Pleistocene. Ostrich egg shells offered protein, a palette for artwork, and a way to carry water to our ancestors over the past 100,000 years, and as such, they are well worth considering a raw material of interest. The Qualities of an Unbroken Egg The ovate eggshell of an ostrich averages 15 centimeters long (6 inches) and 13 cm (5 in) wide; with its contents intact an egg weighs up to 1.4 kg (3 pounds), with an average volume of 1 liter (~1 quart). The shell itself weighs about 260 grams (9 ounces). Ostrich eggs contain about 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of egg protein, equivalent to 24-28 chicken eggs. An ostrich hen lays between 1-2 eggs each week during the breeding season (April to September), and in the wild, hens produce eggs for some 30 years during their lives. Ostrich eggshell is composed of 96% crystalline calcite and 4% organic material, mostly proteins. The thickness (averaging 2 millimeters or .07 in) is made up of three different layers that vary in structure and thickness. The hardness of the shell is 3 on the Mohs scale. Since its organic, OES can be radiocarbon dated (typically using AMS techniques): the only problem is that some cultures used fossil eggshell, so you have to have additional data to back up your dates, always a good idea anyway. Ostrich Egg Shell Flasks Historically, ostrich egg shells are known to have been used by African hunter-gatherers as a light-weight and strong flask or canteen to store and transport various fluids, usually water. To make the flask, hunter-gatherers puncture a hole in the top of the egg, either by drilling, punching, grinding, cutting or hammering, or a combination of techniques. Thats been difficult to identify in archaeological sites, which typically include only a few eggshell sherds. Intentional perforations could be considered a proxy for the use of eggshell as a container, and based on the perforation, an argument has been made for flask use in southern Africa at least 60,000 years ago. Thats tricky: after all, you have to open an egg to eat whats inside anyway. However, decoration on eggshells has recently been identified which supports the use of flasks in Howiesons Poort contexts in South Africa at least as long ago as 85,000 years (Texier et al. 2010, 2013). Refits of the decorated OES fragments indicate that the patterns were placed on the shell before the shell was broken, and, according to these papers, decorated fragments are only found in context with evidence for purposefully cut openings. Flask Decorations The decorated fragments research is from the Middle and Later Stone Age Diepkloof Rockshelter in South Africa, from which has been recovered over 400 pieces of engraved ostrich eggshell (out of a total of 19,000 eggshell fragments). These fragments were deposited throughout the Howiesons Poort phase, especially between Intermediate and Late HP periods, 52,000-85,000 years ago. Texier and colleagues suggest that these markings were intended to indicate ownership or perhaps a marker of what was contained in the flask. The decorations identified by the scholars are patterns of abstract parallel lines, dots, and hash marks. Texier et al. identified at least five motifs, two of which spanned the entire length of the HP period, with the earliest decorated eggshell fragments from 90,000-100,000 years ago. OES Beads The bead-making process was recently documented archaeologically at the Geelbek Dunes site in South Africa, dated between 550-380 BC (see Kandel and Conard). The bead-making process at Geelbek began when an OES breaks, purposefully or accidentally. Large fragments were processed into preforms or blanks or made directly into discs or pendants. Processing the blanks into beads involves the initial drilling of angular blanks followed by rounding, or vice versa (although Texier et al. 2013 argue that the rounding process almost always follows the perforation). Mediterranean Bronze Age During the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean, ostriches became quite the rage, with several occurrences of elaborately decorated eggshells or eggshell effigies. This came at the same time as state-level societies in the fertile crescent and elsewhere began keeping lush gardens, and some of them included imported animals including ostriches. See Brysbaert for an interesting discussion. Some Ostrich Egg Shell Sites Africa Diepkloof rockshelter (South Africa), decorated OES, possible flasks, Howiesons Poort, 85–52,000 BPMumba rockshelter (Tanzania), OES beads, engraved OES, Middle Stone Age, 49,000 BP,Border Cave (South Africa), OES beads, Howiesons Poort, 42,000 bpJarigole Pillars (Kenya), OES beads, 4868-4825 cal BPGeelbek Dune Field (South Africa), shell bead processing area, Later Stone Age Asia Ikhe-Barkhel-Tologi (Mongolia), OES, 41,700 RCYBP (Kurochkin et al)Angarkhai (Transbaikal), OES, 41,700 RCYBPShuidonggou (China), OES beads, Paleolithic, 30,000 BPBaga Gazaryn Chuluu (Mongolia), OES, 14,300 BPChikhen Agui (Mongolia), OES, terminal Paleolithic, 13,061 cal BP Bronze Age Mediterranean Nagada (Egypt), OES, predynasticHierankopolis (Egypt), engraved OES, 3500 BCUr royal tombs, 2550-2400 BC, gold ostrich egg effigy, and painted OESPalaikastro (Crete), OES, Early Minoan Bronze Age IIB-III, 2550-2300 BCKnossos (Crete), OES, Middle Minoan IB, and IIIA, 1900-1700 BCTiryns (Greece), OES, Late Horizon IIB Sources Aseyev IV. 2008. Horseman image on an ostrich eggshell fragment. Archaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology of Eurasia 34(2):96-99. doi: 10.1016/j.aeae.2008.07.009Brysbaert A. 2013. The Chicken or the Egg? Interregional Contacts Viewed Through a Technological Lens at Late Bronze Age Tiryns, Greece. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 32(3):233-256. doi: 10.1111/ojoa.12013dErrico F, Backwell L, Villa P, Degano I, Lucejko JJ, Bamford MK, Higham TFG, Colombini MP, and Beaumont PB. 2012. Early evidence of San material culture represented by organic artifacts from Border Cave, South Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(33):13214-13219. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1204213109Henshilwood C. 2012. Late Pleistocene Techno-traditions in Southern Africa: A Review of the Still Bay and Howiesons Poort, c. 75–59 ka. Journal of World Prehistory 25(3-4):205-237. doi: 10.1007/s10963-012-9060-3Kandel AW, and Conard NJ. 2005. Production sequences of ostrich eggshell beads and settlement d ynamics in the Geelbek Dunes of the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 32(12):1711-1721. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2005.05.010Orton J. 2008. Later Stone Age ostrich eggshell bead manufacture in the Northern Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(7):1765-1775. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2007.11.014Texier P-J, Porraz G, Parkington J, Rigaud J-P, Poggenpoel C, Miller C, Tribolo C, Cartwright C, Coudenneau A, Klein R et al. . 2010. A Howiesons Poort tradition of engraving ostrich eggshell containers dated to 60,000 years ago at Diepkloof Rock Shelter, South Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(14):6180-6185. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0913047107Texier P-J, Porraz G, Parkington J, Rigaud J-P, Poggenpoel C, and Tribolo C. 2013. The context, form and significance of the MSA engraved ostrich eggshell collection from Diepkloof Rock Shelter, Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 40(9):3412-3431. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2013.02.021
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Acc 576 Week 7 Assignment 1 Economic and Monetary Policy...
ACC 576 Complete Course ACC576 Week 1 to week 11 Download Answer here visit ACC 576 Week 1 Discussion Audit Documentation Please respond to the following: * From the e-Activity, analyze the documentation requirements under Standard 3. Make at least two (2) recommendations to the documentation requirements that you believe would improve Standard 3. Support your recommendations with examples of such improvements. * From the e-Activity, rank the top three (3) documentation requirements that you†¦show more content†¦Based on your scenario, recommend one (1) control that would prevent or detect your fraud. Support your recommendation with examples. ACC 576 Week 4 Discussion Clarity Project Please respond to the following: * From the e-Activity, choose one (1) of the eight (8) steps in the Clarified Auditing Standards–Learning and Implementation Plan. Based on the step you have chosen, analyze support for the action plan proposed, and make at least two (2) recommendations that would improve support of the action plan. * From the e-Activity, analyze four (4) of the eight (8) steps and the actions proposed for each step. Based on your analysis, recommend at least two (2) action modifications that accountants should consider, in addition to what the AICPA has identified. ACC 576 Week 5 Discussion PCAOB Please respond to the following: * From the e-Activity, analyze the role of the PCAOB to protect the public. Based on your analysis, give your opinion as to whether you believe they possess enough of the requisite power to be effective in accomplishing their mission. Provide support for your opinion. * Common history shows that prior to PCAOB, the accounting industry was self-regulated through the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Create an argument that the public is either better or worse off since PCAOB assumed the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Potential the Rapeutic Problems in the Caseâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: What Is the Potential the Rapeutic Problems in the Case? Answer: Introducation: Mr. Dennis Vale is an older person of 78 years old and weighs 98 kg. He has no smoking habit but consumes alcohol on regular basis. He is suffering from the respiratory infection. His medical history states that he has various problems like hypertension and type 2 diabetes. He is suffering from the hypertension since 2000 and the symptoms of type 2 diabetes are seen since six months. Description of the problems The respiratory infection refers to the problem in normal breathing. This can affect the upper respiratory system. The patient is suffering from the disease as the sinuses and vocal chords are affected by cold. Turner et al., (2014) mentioned that the respiratory infection may affect the lower respiratory system as well. The patient has allergic problems in some specific drugs like penicillin. This infection is dangerous for the patient as he belongs to the old age. The symptoms include the runny nose, sore throat, body aches, fatigue, and congestion. Hypertension refers to the abnormal raise of the blood pressure, which is mainly caused by the psychological stress. When the systolic and diastolic blood pressure goes higher than 140 mmHg and 90 mmHg, the symptoms of hypertension occurs (Joffres et al., 2013). Various factors are responsible for the hypertension like lifestyle. Psychological factors affect the blood pressure. It can lead to various diseases like type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and cardiac arrest. Type 2 diabetes refers to the lifelong disease, which happens when the blood glucose level rises in the body. When the production of the insulin hormone decreases, the symptoms of diabetes are seen. Kahn, Cooper and Del Prato (2014) mentioned that the body weight plays significant role in case of type 2 diabetes. It is necessary to check whether the patient is obese or not. Focus on the use of medicines Due to his medical history, he has to take medication. He has to take 5 mg of ramipril daily due to the diabetes. He takes the metformin twice in a day of 1 g due to the diabetes. The physician suggested him to take the simvastatin at night of 100 mg to reduce the risks of cholesterol. He takes the aspirin to reduce the effect of respiratory infection. The dosage of the aspirin is 100 mg regularly. The physician suggested him to take 1 tablet of the ibuprofen thrice daily, which is of 400 mg. The physician suggested him to take the medicine to reduce the effect of respiratory infection if he needs it. Approaches To reduce the effects of the respiratory infection, it is necessary to diagnose the bacterial infection at first and consider the risks and benefits of the antibiotic treatment (Miedzybrodzki et al., 2016). The patient needs to consult with the physicians so that the therapy can be provided properly. The physician can suggest him of various non therapeutic drugs as well as the therapeutic drugs. In case of respiratory infection, yoga can help the patient (Kahn, Cooper Del Prato, 2014). References Joffres, M., Falaschetti, E., Gillespie, C., Robitaille, C., Loustalot, F., Poulter, N., ... Campbell, N. (2013). Hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment and control in national surveys from England, the USA and Canada, and correlation with stroke and ischaemic heart disease mortality: a cross-sectional study.BMJ open,3(8), e003423. Kahn, S. E., Cooper, M. E., Del Prato, S. (2014). Pathophysiology andNursing treatment of type 2 diabetes: perspectives on the past, present, and future.The Lancet,383(9922), 1068-1083. Miedzybrodzki, R., Fortuna, W., Weber-Dabrowska, B., Grski, A. (2016). Phage therapy of staphylococcal infections (including MRSA) may be less expensive than antibiotic treatment.J. Cover,70. Turner, T. L., Kopp, B. T., Paul, G., Landgrave, L. C., Hayes Jr, D., Thompson, R. (2014). Respiratory syncytial virus: current and emerging treatment options.Clinicoecon Outcomes Res,6, 217-225.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
What Makes People Virtuous Essay Example
What Makes People Virtuous Paper What makes ppl virtuous Virtue is defined as the quality of moral excellence, righteousness, and responsibility (Pg. 73) While studying what makes a virtuous person their character rather than actions are studied. Honesty, courage, moderation, compassion, wisdom and loyalty are a few examples of the characteristics of a virtuous person. (pg. 82) Virtue is the moderate option. For example a person can be greedy or a person can give everything they have away, but the person who takes care of themselves and others in virtuous because they are being responsible for themselves and others. In relation to what constructs a virtue is the origin of virtue in a person. Virtue is not born in a person, rather it is learned. A baby is not born knowing what is too much and what is not enough, nor do they know what their responsibilities are. Virtue is acquired through the experiences a person has throughout life, and by their environment. The virtue of honesty is an example. A young child may lie in order to protect themselves from consequences; they may not be honest unless their parents tell them to be. This child then learns that honesty is a good virtue whereas lying is not and feels it is their responsibility to tell the truth. We will write a custom essay sample on What Makes People Virtuous specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What Makes People Virtuous specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What Makes People Virtuous specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Confucius states that people will develop a sense of shame and therefore order themselves. (Pg. 74) If a person is being dishonest they may feel guilt due to their betrayal towards another person, therefore they are not being righteous. Loyalty is another example of a virtue that is learned rather than innate. Being loyal can consist of dedication to a viewpoint, person or place. When first born, a child is loyal to their mother, but this does not mean virtue is innate. The baby is loyal to their mother because they depend on their mother for nurturing and survival. The child then develops loyalty to their family considering they spend the most time with the family unit. Showing loyalty is a virtue because some people will do whatever is required to help the cause they are loyal to, they feel it is their responsibility to do so. For example, some religious groups are loyal to their churches. They may get involved in charities and show moral goodness by helping others. It shows responsibility to society also because this member is trying to enhanced society by helping those in need. Considering virtue is learned it needs to be taught. Virtues can be taught through the family or by guardians. When a child is young he/she does not know much about the world. What they do know was taught through experience and being reprimanded or rewarded for the action committed. In other words, the child learned through reinforcement. Virtues can be taught this way, a child must learn the middle path rather than vices. Virtue ethics strives to create a good person and combine reason and emotion. (Pg. 86) A child is led by emotions, for example when they are angry they may scream or cry. In order to teach the virtue of tranquility a parent or authority figure can show the child how to avoid getting angry to begin with. Another example, is the virtue of sincerity, manners are taught to children at a young age by parents. Not only can authority figures teach virtue but so can society. Each person has a view of what is right and wrong and each person has a set of virtues. Society and how those in society judge a person can teach this person how to be virtuous. Benjamin Franklin lists industry as a virtue; he states that people should be useful. (Pg. 84) Society can teach this because people interact in society daily. For example, in the workplace if one person slacks another worker is affected. Each worker had a certain job and the jobs come together to achieve success and the pressure to gain success pressures people to do their job. This pressure teaches the virtue of industry and the pressure comes from succeeding in society. Virtue is taught in order to create citizens with proper morality, responsibility and righteousness. Each person holds different stock in different virtues but ultimately each person has virtues. The pressures to succeed as well as lessons taught by authority figures establish virtue which tries to create good people who can live prosperous lives.
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